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About Me


My name is Denisa Haidau. I am a saved woman of God who thrives on the Lord daily. I have a BA and MA in Creative Writing and have had this blog since 2019. The way it started was under the name 'Saved in Spain', when I moved to Madrid at the Lord's command. I was inspired daily by how much the Lord was teaching me and the Holy Spirit told me to write it all down: and the blog was born!


This Christian blog has now been updated to a women's blog because the Lord lead me into greater passion for women's ministry.


Every time someone new joins to read this blog, I always pray that the Lord may speak, awaken, revive and restore them. Therefore, know that while you're reading, someone is praying for you.


God reveals Himself to me through dreams, prophesies, supernatural encounters and many other ways: and He can do the same for you. If hearing from God is normal for you, then this blog will teach and push your faith even further. But if none of this is familiar to you, read on and discover just what a phenomenal world is available to you as a saved child of God. And start to learn what makes you a powerful, world-shaking woman and how to lead a life of virtue!


Be blessed today and may the Lord's face shine upon you!

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