Learn the worship secret the devil doesn't want you to know in the times of spiritual blockage and difficulty of surrender

I went to David's Tent this week and I had a phenomenal time. I got to rejoice in the joy of worship, cry in the intimacy of prayer and dive deeper into the spirit. For anyone who doesn't know, David's Tent is a big Christian event of 72 hours non-stop worship that happens in a field, with tents all devoted to spending time with God in prayer, worship and study for 3 days straight.
It was the first day and I was a little stiff, it had been a while since I attended a big event like this, so I can safely say I was a little nervous although excited. I knelt down as worship and harmonious music filled the tent and took a moment to look into the eyes of God and take a breath. Took a moment to consider who I am, who He is, what I see and why I am doing what I'm doing. Why am I here? Why am I worshipping? What am I looking for?
It took a second as there was so much chaos in my mind. So much of my day to day was now cluttered together that I couldn't let go. I couldn't stop picturing my to-do list, my work, my responsibilities, my fears, my questions. My mind was a hurricane of thoughts and emotions. The Lord had spoken to me earlier that morning that He needed me to resurrender. Of course, I thought everything was surrendered. And that may have been true a few months ago. But certainly not now.
I lowered my head in anguish and screamed out to the Lord in frustration: help me surrender! I wanted to. I saw everything I was holding onto with a tight grip and tried to throw it and release it but it was like they were carved into my palms and would not let go.
Finally, I confessed to the Lord that I wanted to surrender, only I didn't know how and I needed His help. I took a breath. Opened my eyes. A beautiful song started playing in that moment, with angelic-like voices all in unison: "I saw the Lord, He was clothed in glory, exalted high... You are holy". I wanted to sing. My spirit was ready to sing. My soul was already tearing up at the glory enveloping me. But then, just as I was about to sing, something stopped me. A small voice held onto my tongue and said, "You can't sing now. You have business with God. You have to figure out how to surrender everything first. You have to sit in shame for a while at how unsuited you are to receive God's blessings. Otherwise you'll be nothing but a hypocrite."
I took a breath, tempted to listen, when the worship leader on the stage just starting shouting out "You are holy!" with such passion, heart and love that the spirit within me couldn't help but agree. And I just sang. At first it felt uncomfortable and I did feel like a hycpocrite. I felt like it was almost wrong. Regardless, I kept going and going.
Finally, a smile protruded on my face as I entered into the glory of God. And I heard the Holy Spirit speak, "You don't need to understand me to worship me. You don't need to have everything sorted in order to praise."
Tears came to my eyes, I lifted my hands up in the air and shouted in worship that my God was holy, holy and worthy to be praised!
Worship is the very thing that will help bring the breakthrough you're waiting for.
I hope you know today that you do not need to wait for your life to be 'in order', you do not need to sort everything out and then come to worship. The Lord is worthy to be praised whether you have a perfect life to bring him, a shattered one or one that is barely holding on. His worth doesn't change and is not conditional to what you can bring or how suited you are to worship. He is simply worthy.
I learnt a valuable lesson that day: worship is the very thing that will help bring the breakthrough you're waiting for before you begin to worship. That's why worship is the very thing the enemy will try and silence from you. Because he knows its power will undeniably bring you victory, give God glory and make him smaller.