Remember, when God answers your request, it's always in adherence more to your safety than your desire.

When we ask for something, when we pray and tell God our desires, dreams and most
secret hopes for the future, we pray for answers. But let’s be honest, most of the time,
believing for those answers doesn’t come as easily as asking for them.
John 15:7 says that “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you
wish, and it will be done for you.” When we are in the will of God, when we ask with purity
and virtue, with a constant heart to please the Lord and never go against His will, the Lord listens.
When we are in the will of God, when we ask with purity and virtue, with a constant heart to please the Lord and never go against His will, the Lord listens.
Lately I’ve been having a very unexpected and supernatural experience as a Christian. I’ve been praying for a certain breakthrough in my life, and this has been a prayer and desire that went on for years. Years of struggle and hardship, hope lost and found again. Faith weakened and strengthened. Promises heard then forgotten. It’s been quite a journey. And when we pray for something that truly has a major impact on our lives (e.g. spouse, ministry, career, healing), the answer is very prominent and obvious. It is unmissable. Not just because it’s so influential but because we have waited for so long.
I have talked about waiting a number of times here on this Christian blog, on my podcast, even on my Instagram! It’s a battle we all face at some point. And it’s certainly painful and long-winded and a lot of times, a lot longer than anticipated.
But I’m here to tell you, whatever it is your waiting for, praying and yearning for, the Lord will answer. And trust me, He won’t just answer, He will surprise you. He has a tendency that the longer we wait, the stronger we remain in faith, the more we trust His will and the more we die to ourselves, the more He likes to overflow us in surprises.
I do have to take a moment however to mention that not every prayer will be answered, not every request or desire is of the Lord. Hence why I mentioned earlier that they have to be in coherence to His will. If you seek the Word, the Truth and work to live according to it, the Lord will take care of whether that other desire you have will embrace and adhere to His will or whether it will hinder it. And with that, He will answer accordingly: either withhold it for your safety or give it to you in full.
The Lord will answer accordingly: either withhold it for your safety or give it to you in full.
Whatever situation you are in today or in this season, know that our God is a God of
abundance. He is the God of the Harvest. He is generous and gives according to His love and not our worth (thankfully!). And most of all, He is a Father who loves His children dearly and wants to see them content, at peace and most importantly, safe and saved.
Trust me, this comes first hand (and I can’t wait to share more in time), but believe me when I say God hears. He listens intently. To every detail, every specificity he notices. And yes, HE ANSWERS.
Bless His name today, whether you have received it, are in the process or whether you’re
still waiting. For glorifying Him will only raise your faith to smoothen His promises to
manifesting, but also will defeat the enemy’s fiery arrows of deceit and disappointment for the now. Remember, the answer is always for your good.