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How to Defeat Low Self-Esteem

Suffer of low-self esteem? Feel invisible, unloved, worthless? Find out where your value is today!

One’s self-esteem represents their belief and confidence in their own ability and value. When this is low, it means they lack that belief; they feel unlovable, unworthy and incompetent. Sound familiar?

As humans, our Creator knew we would need self-esteem in order to have the motivation to achieve, to strive higher and to keep trying even when we fail. Unfortunately, this world is now under constant attack from the enemy and the most dangerous attacks are the ones that come from within our own selves: the ones that seem like we are to blame, we are the villains. We end up battling our own selves and destroying the very thing God put us on this earth for, instead of fighting the real enemy who is sitting comfortably to the side watching us obliterate ourselves. It’s quite a clever tactic if you think about it.

But it’s not working anymore. You know why? Because the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to show us that we are hurting ourselves in this dark room that seems like it’s full of inner voices. In reality, it’s just one voice of the devil whispering one thing, then another, and letting those lies grow and develop. He plants seeds that then have us see nothing but weeds and damaged ground, stealing all the hope and light out of our lives.

Well, Jesus says ENOUGH.

The devil doesn’t get to toy with us anymore. He doesn’t get to call us failures, mistakes and a waste of space. And we certainly can't call ourselves that either. We are precious children of God, and Jesus proved that for us on the cross.

The very first person we should take example from in our self-confidence and esteem is Jesus himself. The bible tells us we need to be more Christ-like (1 John 2:6), and that means in our self-esteem as well.

We are precious children of God, and Jesus proved that for us on the cross.

Jesus knew exactly who He was the entire time He was on earth. Not once did he doubt that he had a purpose or that he wasn’t good enough to carry on this promise. Thirty years he lived without fully serving his purpose and yet he continued to strive, knowing that his day will come. Imagine Jesus standing before the cross—this is the son of God, may I remind you—and telling His father, the king of the entire universe, ‘I’m sorry but I can't do it. I’m not good enough. I’m worthless, I will fail, you’ve chosen the wrong person.’

Let’s be honest, it sounds a little silly for Jesus to be saying those things, doesn’t it? A little ridiculous, if you ask me. Why? Well, because this is the prince of princes, the king of kings and lord of lords and the saviour of the world. He was the one to save us all, chosen by God. And He makes no mistakes. So to even assume such a thing is, well, ridiculous.

So why is it any different when it comes to us? We are just as precious. God loves us so much that he sacrificed a part of himself to save us, not anyone else. He loves us so much that he named us his son and daughter. He calls us prince and princess of Heaven. We've each been given a purpose that the Creator of the universe built us for. So to look at ourselves in the mirror and say we are worthless and hold no value truly is ridiculous.

Sure, there are moments of insecurity and doubt, and Jesus felt a moment of fear when He asked that this cup be removed from Him. But that has nothing to do with self-esteem.

When we talk of low self-esteem, we are insulting our Maker.

When we talk of low self-esteem what we are essentially doing is insulting our Maker. We are saying that the almighty king that painted the galaxies and put the earth into movement, this one colossal God made a mistake. Well, he makes no mistakes. He loves you and you need to learn to love yourself as He made you.

We always seek for someone to give worth and value to us: parents, partners, friends, fans. But at one point or another, they let us down and those people can take that worth away just as quickly as they gave it to us. Jesus is the only one that will give you self-worth and just keep giving and growing it in you. And the best part about him giving you worth and value is that he cannot lie, so when he tells you that you are beautiful and worth many things, that you are precious and worth every blessing, he means it. You never have to worry about what or who you should believe.

You don't need to find where your value is and in who. It's already in Christ. All you need to do now is believe it.

So you see, you don't need to find where your value is and in who. It's already in Christ. All you need to do now is believe it. Pick up your worth and value from Jesus and you’ll see that enemy shrink smaller and smaller into nothing but harmless shadows. For you were created to be a conqueror!

Decree over yourself today:

  • I am strong and courageous.

  • I am blessed for I trust in the Lord and my confidence is in Him.

  • I was not a mistake, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

  • In my confidence I find peace for that is the fruit of righteousness.

  • Jesus will always renew my strength, I will soar on wings like eagles, I will run and not grow weary, I will walk and not faint.

  • God will always strengthen and help me. He withholds me with his righteous hand.

  • The Lord has begun a good work in me and He is faithful to complete it. I was created for good.

  • I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

  • I may not be perfect but I boast in my weaknesses because God’s power rests in me, and nothing is too hard for the Lord.

  • The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

  • With Christ, I am a new creation, and in Him, I am enough.

These are all beautiful decrees taken from the Bible, so none of this comes from me. This is real and true for the word of God holds only truth. Your mouth carries the power of life or death (Proverbs 18:21), so keep decreeing these beautiful truths over yourself daily until every fibre of your being believes it.

Battling low self-esteem is a long journey and I’m sure this won’t be my only post on the subject for there is much more I could say, but today I just wanted to give my brothers and sisters a little more aid in battling this enemy.

I remind you all who your real enemy is, and that it’s most certainly not yourself.

(Decree references: Joshua 1:9, Jeremiah 17:7, Psalm 139:13–14, Isaiah 32:17, Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 13:6, 1 John 4:17)


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