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Following Jesus across the Continent

The story of how Jesus lead me to move from Spain and return home

I was sitting on a train in Madrid, making my way to my evening plans when I peeked over to my left to find a middle-aged woman holding tightly onto her phone, eyes glued to the screen. My mind was just previously thinking of how I wish I saw more Jesus in the every day man. When I look closer at the woman’s phone I realise she is reading chapter 45 of a book in the Bible. I couldn’t tell exactly which one but I saw the verses spread over the page and the name of the Lord constantly mentioned, even if it was in Spanish. I smile to myself and thank Jesus for the lady. I bless her as she steps out the metro shortly after.

This experience has happened to me on more than one occasion. I always take it as the Lord showing me that we are spread out through the city and there is still a lot of hope even when it seems like no one has hope anymore.

And just like that, the Lord recently brought a new revelation to my eyes. After months of trying to make it in Madrid and fulfilling what I felt might’ve been my calling all along here, I found myself in a desperate place of needing new direction in my life.

I had felt lost for the last half of the year of 2021: no purpose, no joy, I felt total confusion as though I was in a painting that now made no sense being part of. Finally, when God answered me at the beginning of 2022, everything changed 180 degrees.

The Lord spoke to me like never before. He spoke to me through a pastor at a biblical study class I went to first. Then, He confirmed the same thing over and over through His word, through various people as well as through a dream. Jesus told me it was time to return home.

My time in Spain had finished. Everything the Lord had planned to do in me He had done, and now it was time for me to go onto the next stage. Physically speaking, The Lord also made me see how there was a reason why I could never get complete documentation in Spain, because I was never meant to stay in the first place.

I see now how Spain was truly a place of wilderness for me, one where it wasn’t about what I put in it, but what God needed to take out of me: all in order to prepare me for the next season and ultimately for my destiny. None of what happened in me could've happened to the same level and at the same accelerated rate that it did, if I hadn’t gone to Spain.

The wilderness season is one that requires us to grow, to develop and to find who we truly are. In the wilderness, we will be tempted (Matthew 4) and there'll be suffering and trials. However, I've learnt through my own wilderness that we cannot discover who we truly are without the hardship of having our character and faith in God tested, moulded and sharpened.

I have been back in the UK for 5 months now, following the Lord's desire for me. I had a hard time at first of course--leaving Madrid, my studio home, my new friends and family. Then moving back to the previous and familiar and readjusting to the English way of life (and the weather). It wasn't a walk in the park. However, when I knew the Lord's will for me, there wasn't one thought in my mind that was angry at God or upset with this choice. My life is not my own so when Jesus says go, I go. No questions asked.

And now, I do see many new doors opening and a harvest season for my life that I look forward to sharing on here. Whilst this blog was aimed at my experience living in Madrid, regardless, I will continue to write and update it from London, despite its name. So keep coming back for more!

I hope you'll continue to follow my spiritual journey in discovering more of Christ and growing in faith together. And as for Spain, it'll always be in my prayers and I still believe in a mighty revival to come and break out over the country. A revival I do pray to be part of.

If you have any questions or topics you'd like me to write on, feel free to comment below!

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

(John 16:33)

1 kommentti

27. syysk. 2022

Beautifully written. So inspiring to see someone so young have such a strong faith in God. Wishing you all the best on your return "home".

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