The influence of God on earth is greater than you think: let's talk about the main reason why.
If Psalm 100:3 ever so beautifully says that "it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves" then the natural logic is to confess that man--meaning all humanity--is certainly not here of its own merit.
It is only in humility that we can recognise our own true limitations without fear of the restriction they bring to life. For we have to ensure we not lift ourselves higher than we belong and give ourselves more credit than is due.
We have to ensure we not lift ourselves higher than we belong.
The Bible constantly reminds us that man is nothing but "a passing shadow" (Ps 144:4). Why is that? Why does the Bible refer to man as something fleeting, something ignorant, foolish almost? Jeremiah 10:23 says "the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps", showing that we alone do not have a clue when it comes to uncovering the secret to life's best. We are not trustworthy, but actually foolish. In fact, "if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Corinthians 8:2).
The Bible--the ultimate map to life's greatest secrets--tells us that man (or anything man-made) is not something that should ever be trusted, believed in, relied on and much less worshipped as a god. And the reason is because as Psalm 100:3 puts it, it is GOD who made us. We did not create ourselves. Therefore it is Him and only Him who truly has the answers of WHO we are, WHAT we are, and what we are CALLED to be.
This is also a great argument against anyone who says that because a mother gives birth to a child, she in turn 'created' the being inside of her and gave it life. But if that was truly the case, and MAN was the creator of man, then that means that every mother on earth would know exactly who their babies are, what they will become, how they will behave and what choices they will make. Because they're the creators right? But wait a second, last I checked, literally every mother I've ever come across in my life--including my own--has never been able to tell me that motherhood is completely calculated. If anything, all I ever hear is how it is in fact one of life's most spontaneous, unexpected and uncontrollable aspects out there because one never knows what can happen next.
Even if God uses our very bodies and genes to procreate, it is still Him creating. Not us.
So you see, that in itself makes us separate from God. We are not omniscient beings. Only God is. Therefore even if He uses our very bodies and genes to procreate, it is still Him creating. Not us. He knows what your son or daughter will be, what they will face, what life will bring them and how they will respond to it. God knows how they will behave, how they will even treat God Himself. It isn’t us that know. And you know what they say, ‘you have to let them be their own individual’. So that means that actually, a parent would come across controlling if they did know or create the life of their child for them. And the reason is because man was never made to be in charge of man to begin with. That was always God’s job.
Of course, this doesn’t deny the fact that people still try. That the enemy still attempts to lift us up beyond our rightful place and make us bigger than God in order that we may think we never need Him. All of mankind’s history is known for being a constant war for power and control: man in continuous pursuit of thinking that their belief is right above everyone else, that they have the true power and that if all others listened to them, life would show its true meaning. But oh how wrong we can be.
No man, no matter how seemingly good or harmful has ever been infinitely successful in conquering the world.
NO MAN, no matter how seemingly good or harmful has ever been infinitely successful in conquering the world, nor have they ever had a perspective that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Since the fall, man always comes with flesh: and flesh is all about ego, pride, self, pleasure, indulgence, and so on. Despite what the world may try and paint, there is nothing good about the flesh. It only comes to justify and glorify itself. It holds no interest for anyone else’s benefit.
Psalm 107:1 says God "satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Goodness, kindness and compassion are all from the Lord. It is Him and Him alone who allows for those beautiful graces in our life. God has never left our side. And because of that, He’s had an influence.
It’s kind of like evangelism: a lot of people say that sometimes if you are an honest and loving Christian, you don’t even need to say anything to anyone about God, they will just be able to notice that something is different when you’re in the room.
Have you ever had anyone say that to you before? That when you’re in the office, things seem lighter somehow, that you bring a joy with you every single day or if you’re not there, it not the same. I certainly have had people say that to me, and that is always the moment to tell them 'it’s not me you see or sense. It’s Jesus!' His love in Him radiates out and it is unmissable, even for the most atheistic people out there.
If we, as humans and limited mortals can have such an impact just because we carry Christ in us, imagine what God does through His own presence?
So imagine, if we, as humans and limited mortals can have such an impact just because we carry Christ in us, imagine what God does through His own presence? The fact that there is goodness, mercy, kindness in the world is proof that God not only exists, but that He is PRESENT. He is among us and has always been, and if God was no longer with us on Earth, all would turn to chaos. That’s because the source of light and goodness itself gives it freely and lovingly.
Therefore, this is why it’s so important to know, understand and remember that man’s goodness is not what comes naturally and from itself. Our goodness comes from the influence of the Lord on Earth. And that is why we can’t take credit, and why we certainly can’t trust in our own goodness. Because it’s not ours to begin with: it is His gift to us, therefore it is His.
I encourage you to take a moment today to meditate on the goodness of God in your life: on how many things in your life are actually there to His credit. Thank God for the grace and love He offers which makes our life not only bearable through the chaos and evil of the world, but actually beautiful.