A poem of true inspiration looking at God's great power and how man tries to take Him on

There is simple in the truth.
So why does man yet complicate
to mix those colours
when God said use but one?
What leads us to think
we know and can do better?
I’m sorry Jesus for the times we stand against
and blur the truth for the sake of fingerprints.
Forgive your people for this ignorance,
lack of sharpness and respect
Why do we forget His power,
is He God, or is it you?
What if our hands lifted instead of carried
if we bowed instead of ran
if we sang instead of shouted
if we just listened to the Crown?
We owe you everything my King:
omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
How many truly know you though?
Do I? Or do I merely hope so?
Tell me what displeases you
Shine your light within;
Let us not play but truly worship,
bring honour to the King
Lord, you look at man and that’s all you need:
All you need to love and cherish,
all you need to bless and cover
just to know it’s your creation—
You just fix your eyes on me
Oh sweet Jesus: I long only
Yours forevermore to be
(Dive even deeper with this poem in my Podcast: Bold and Virtuous: